July 3rd 2023 was Election Day at St. Matthew’s Preparatory School Laroo. It was a momentous occasion as our young pupils eagerly exercised their civic responsibility as responsible citizens. With the support and guidance from the Electoral Commission Uganda – Gulu office, the voting process was conducted smoothly, and our students were introduced to the importance of democratic principles

Election Day

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to all our pupils for actively participating in the recently concluded prefectorial elections. It was a remarkable display of leadership and democracy as they took part in electing their new president and Head Prefect of the pupil’s council. Among the candidates, Emmanuel Rachkara from P.3 emerged as the elected president, taking up the mantle of leadership with pride and responsibility.

The elections were a testament to the values we uphold at St. Matthew’s Preparatory School Laroo – fairness, transparency, and inclusivity. We ensured that the electoral process was free and fair, allowing every student to cast their vote freely and without any influence. Moreover, the entire experience was designed to be fun and engaging for our young learners, ensuring that they not only learn about the democratic process but also enjoy the journey of making their voices heard.

Once again, congratulations to all our pupils for their active participation in the elections, and we encourage them to continue embracing their roles as responsible and engaged citizens. At St. Matthew’s Preparatory School Laroo, we are committed to nurturing their leadership potential and guiding them towards becoming informed and compassionate global citizens who positively impact society.